Saturday, June 14, 2008

Visual Tranquility - Concep

So I'm browsing the net, and I came across an artist and his work I found interesting. I haven't drew any pics since the 6th grade and works like this truly inspire me to get back into the habit. With that said, I took a step forward and sketched a few comics from the New York Times just to get back the feel of putting the pencil to paper. And, I even dropped my Sociology class for a Studio Art class next semester right after I found some of his works and read his story. INSPIRATION!!!
So, Who is Concep? A kid from New Orleans, Concep is a artist, dancer and a poet. Concep attended Ringling , an art school in Florida, as an Illustration major, then he moved to Brooklyn, NY attending Pratt Institute. Some artist movements that inspired Concep was Jean Michel Basquiat (I enjoy this guys work too!!!), Donde, Rene Margritte, Salvador Dali, Norman Rockwell, Michelangelo, and Bob Ross - he's been inspired across the board from the Renaissance to the graffiti movement in the early eighties.
Hopefully one day I can make a mark in the craft and create works as original as his.
(a2+b2=c2) you will almost always find on his work - representing, the past, present, and future.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Little Andy

Andy Warhol

From my trip to the MoMA I purchased an Andy Warhol replica from the MoMA Design Store. I call it Lil' Andy because it's not an original, but who cares. He isn't my favorite Pop Artist, but he is one of the most recognized. I bought this little artwork because it's similar to Roy Lichtenstein in a way with the use of benday dots. You wont be able to see the dots because the effect makes it appear as a solid color. And, I also like the quote on the picture.


Today I made a trip to the Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, for inspirational purposes. Honestly the MoMA is one of the most comprehensive museums artistically. When first began my tour up to the final galleries I was overwhelmed with awe. Not trying to sound phony or anything, but that's how real this museum is. Of course there were pieces that didn't interest me, but there is always an appreciation for it. Sometimes we see artworks, and we say, "I could do that!" But the truth is you didn't. I guess that's why you have to appreciate it because these guys take risks that we overlook or are afraid to. I read in a magazine Creativity is all about risks, so I guess my advice to you, is take risks.
And!!! Take a trip to the MoMA, you wont regret it. When you first walk up the flight of stairs you are surprised with a piece of creative genius, I wont say.
Sorry for the low quality images. I hate myself for this - I carried my camera, BUT I forgot the memory card and the batteries, so I was forced to take a few pics with my phone. I did the best I could in fotoshop to restore it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Puma x Atmos Endangered Species Pt. 2

Golden Monkey, $125

Exactly a month after Puma drops their endangered polar animals pack, the brand will follow-up with a set of three sneakers that take inspiration from dying out Asian animals. The collection, which will wrap up Puma’s collabo with AtmosNYC features photography by in-house National Geographic shooter Mitsuaki Iwago. The latest batch of animals that may be on their way out, are The Crested Ibis (Clyde), The Gold Monkey (Clyde), and The Giant Panda (Mid). Check all the models after the jump.

So I had to do it, PumaxAtmosNY is at it again!!! I can't wait cause these come out 11 days after my birthday(7/17) people, ELEVEN DAYS(7/28)!!!!! I'm definitely picking up two pairs!!!
Puma, Atmos NY
Clyde Crested Ibis, $125
Mid Giant Panda, $150

Haitian V Watches 2 Girls 1 Cup

Haitian V Is Tricked By His Friend Mr. Ian Jay Into Watching The Infamous 2 Girls 1 Cup Video. His Reaction To The Video Is Priceless.

Victor aka Haitian V isn't one of my personal friends, but he is a part of my Brooklyn Sky famlay so I have to show him love. V has to be one of the funniest Haitians out here, "I'll take yu tu de top top!"

Watch more of Haitian V here

Monday, June 9, 2008

And For All You Aggressors

Sometimes violence is the only Answer. So I'm watching Family Guy and Sade shows me this! How relevant?

For All You Pacifist - Watch more free videos

This might be relevant for our day to day transit rides being that almost everyone is wearing their pants below their waist. I found it funny, hope you do too.